In-Vial Dilution

Sample Dilution

Samples tested per year
Please enter a value greater than 2,000.

% of Samples needs Dilution

Labor Cost per hour including benefits

Time consumed in minutes for dilution per sample
Value cannot be 0.

Yearly Savings with in-vial Dilution

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The in-vial dilution capability and low maintenance IC systems free up valuable analyst time while generating highly accurate data. Analyte concentrations over the calibration are associated with high levels of uncertainty. When you have to wait for the results and manually dilute and re-run the next day, you lose productivity.

Manual dilution is error prone and can introduce contamination. With in-vial dilution the software compares the concentration of analytes in the sample to the calibration. For analytes over the calibration, a line is added at the end of the sample table with appropriate dilution factor and analyzed after the regular samples. With this you also get the ability to do multi-point calibration from a single standard and insert CCVs & CCBs as needed to stay in compliance with EPA methods.

Download environmental lab case study

Enviro930 Flex
919 Autosampler
56 sample positions
1 rinse position
Sample Prep Module
Manual Dilution
MagIC Net Software
Enviro-Plus930 Flex
858 Autosampler
148 sample positions
3 rinse positions
Sample Prep Module
Automated Dilution
MagIC Net Software