Eluent Preparation

Eluent Preparation


Samples tested per year

Labor cost per hour including benefits

Eluent preparation time (in hours)
Please enter a value greater than 0.25.

Eluent preparation days per week

Commercially available eluent concentrate for EPOD for 50 weeks

Yearly Savings using EPOD


Samples tested per year

Cost of proprietary eluent cartridge

Eluent cartridges used per year
Please enter a value greater than 0.

Commercially available eluent concentrate for EPOD for 50 weeks

Yearly Savings switching to EPOD

Peaked your interest? Contact us for more info.

Plug in your numbers on the left and calculate your yearly savings on eluent preparation!

The 941 Eluent Production Module enables the automatic production of an eluent. It enables continuous working without manual intervention and guarantees stable retention times. It can be combined with all Metrohm IC instruments and is monitored by MagIC Net.

Download environmental lab case study

Enviro930 Flex
919 Autosampler
56 sample positions
1 rinse position
Sample Prep Module
Manual Dilution
MagIC Net Software
Enviro-Plus930 Flex
858 Autosampler
148 sample positions
3 rinse positions
Sample Prep Module
Automated Dilution
MagIC Net Software