Configuration: pH, Alkalinity & Conductivity


These Metrohm 855 Environmental Analyzers include everything needed to analyze pH, alkalinity and conductivity in a single sample. Configured with Dosino dosing technology and controlled by tiamo Light software, this analyzer ensures accuracy, efficiency and intuitive control of your data. Configuration options allow you to choose between manual sample handling where the analyst measures the sample volume or sample pipetting where an additional Dosino does the sample measurement work.

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ParameterComponentMeasuring Range
pHAquatrode Plus0-13
AlkalinityAquatrode Plus & Dosino dosing technology≥ 2.5 mg/L CaCO3
Conductivity5-ring Conductivity Cell0.005-20 mS/cm


Reliable Environmental Solutions

A Case Study on Various Water Samples

You have an important job to do. Have confidence in the accuracy and repeatability of your results with a dedicated Metrohm Environmental Analyzer. Below are the results of a case study on various water samples demonstrating precision at or below the EPA method requirements.

EPA 150.1
EPA 120.1
EPA 310.1
Purified Spring Water5.86 ± 0.100.047 ± 0.0012.46 ± 0.3
Mineral Water7.80 ± 0.070.368 ± 0.001136 ± 1.5
Drinking Water7.52 ± 0.080.536 ± 0.002120 ± 1.0
Ultrapure Water5.71 ± 0.100.004 ± 0.0010.7 ± 0.2

Submit your Proficiency Testing Results with Confidence

Our Testing Results from Certified PT Samples

Running lab certification samples can be stressful. Below are the results from certified proficiency testing samples and proof that you can submit results with confidence.

Hard Water QC #13469.070.33448.6
Certified Value9.080.32648.4
Soft Water QC #13479.030.24137.9
Certified Value9.060.23537.9