Chemical Suppression


Samples tested per year

Cost of membrane-based anion suppressor

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Regeneration cost for Metrohm Anion Suppressor
  • Fill out the form below, to receive your calculated savings

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Our state-of-the-art tri-chamber micro capillary chemical suppressor is continuously regenerated back to its original condition after each sample. As a result we are able to offer the 10 year warranty. The MSM anion suppressor has the lowest noise of any suppressor in the market which directly translates to increased sensitivity.

• Lowest noise, <0.2nS/cm means increased sensitivity
• Fast start-up time
• Cannot be destroyed by back pressure
• 100% organic solvent compatible

Download environmental lab case study

Enviro930 Flex
919 Autosampler
56 sample positions
1 rinse position
Sample Prep Module
Manual Dilution
MagIC Net Software
Enviro-Plus930 Flex
858 Autosampler
148 sample positions
3 rinse positions
Sample Prep Module
Automated Dilution
MagIC Net Software