Environmental Titration Analyzers

Find the optimal titration analyzer for your samples



Need help deciding which configuration you need? Contact us and we’ll share our expertise. 

Simplified analysis from start to finish

  1. Set up the analyzer
    Load a sample table or use a bar code scanner to simplify adding sample information even more.
  2. Choose your method
    Run an entire batch of the same parameter or look at multiple analytes in the same sample.
  3. Press Start
    Whether you analyze one or 100 environmental samples, Metrohm Environmental Analyzers simplify routine measurements so you are free to accomplish other tasks.
  4. Review your data
    When your samples are finished, data is clearly displayed on a single, organized line. Using built in .csv, .xml, .slk templates, automatic export of your data to LIMS has never been easier.
  5. Shutdown
    Whether you are busy with something else or have gone home for the day, Metrohm Environmental Analzyers automatically wash the titration vessel and store the electrode ensuring the system is always ready when samples arrive.



Measuring Range and Limits

ParameterComponentMeasuring Range
pHAquatrode Plus0 – 13
Conductivity5-ring Conductivity Cell, C = 0.7 cm-10.005 – 20 mS/cm
AlkalinityAquatrode Plus & Dosino dosing technology≥ 2.5 mg/L CaCO3
HardnessOptrode & Dosino dosing technology≥ 3.0 mg/L CaCO3


Case Study on Various Water Samples

You have an important job to do. Have confidence in the accuracy and repeatability of your results with a dedicated Metrohm Environmental Analyzer. Below are the results of a case study on various water samples demonstrating precision at or below the EPA method requirements.

EPA 150.1
EPA 120.1
EPA 310.1
EPA 130.2
Purified Spring Water5.86 ± 0.100.047 ± 0.0012.46 ± 0.38.49 ± 0.3
Mineral Water7.80 ± 0.070.368 ± 0.001136 ± 1.5174 ± 3
Drinking Water7.52 ± 0.080.536 ± 0.002120 ± 1.0257 ± 1
Ultrapure Water5.71 ± 0.100.004 ± 0.0010.7 ± 0.26.00 ± 2


Submit your Proficiency Testing Results with Confidence

Results from Certified PT Samples

Running lab certification samples can be stressful. Below are the results from certified proficiency testing samples and proof that you can submit results with confidence.

Hard Water QC #13469.070.33448.659.0
Certified Value9.080.32648.461.7
Soft Water QC #13479.030.24137.944.6
Certified Value9.060.23537.946.8